Sunday, July 17, 2011

Baha'i Lotus Temple

* All these photos were self-taken with an iPhone.

Just take a second to consume the beauty of this. It was taken from afar, as we were exiting the compound.

This is the Baha'i Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, better known as the "Lotus Temple". With the dawn of every new day, an ever-rising tide of visitors surge to its doorsteps to savour its beauty and bask in its serenely spiritual atmosphere. It was completed in 1986 and has since received recognition from all over the world for its splendid architecture and design (by Persian architect Fariborz Sahba from Canada). The Lotus flower is a symbol of peace, purity, love and immortality. The design looks like a half opened Lotus flower with 27 freestanding "petals" made of marble. It is surrounded by nine ponds and appears as if the temple is floating like a Lotus flower in water. The central hall decked only with rows of benches are open to worshipers of all faiths to meditate and find peace amidst the chaos of the outside world.

I had to upload both as they are equally picturesque - (L) Capturing a slice of nature with the birds encircling the tip of the structure; (R) With no additional elements, the glory of the temple resting against the setting Indian sun.


miss honeybee said...

Oh so beautiful! All the pics are by the way. Have a good weekend!

Anisah said...

Thanks Ans! I try to put some thought when taking a few of the photos :) You have an awesome weekend too.
