Saturday, July 9, 2011

are you on the right track?

On Saturday, Faiza took me to the area of Bogel to stand atop a bridge to get a front row view of cargo trains chuck by amidst the sunset. The coal-carrying trains have just unloaded the coal and is now returning to its depot. It was beautiful, considering we don't see much (or any) of this in Singapore. Standing on the bridge did make me week in my knees for a second as the cracked concrete bridge quavered from the pressure of the passing train right under.

The tracks; the rickety houses surrounding the tracks; the containers carrying coal that seemed like they were never-ending; and people waiting to see the tail-end of the train to cross over.

These were some other heart-wrenching sights that caught my eye throughout the day. I could hardly hide my sympathetic countenance, much less pretend to be oblivious to these people.

Above: A young boy trying to sieve out what's useful and what is sell-able from the pile of stenching garbage; a 3-year old girl sitting by a traffic light at a busy junction.

Above: This old lady was quietly perched behind a car amidst shoppers at Central Market. After 10 minutes, she decided to rest her legs and lay down for a second.

Above: Coming to my Auto at the traffic light, touching my feet and calling me Didi (sister). Look at how these kids still have it in them to laugh, to jest and to smile!

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