Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday Market at Bogel

On Mondays, we have a Monday Market. And on Tuesdays, we have..... a Tuesday Market! It's located at Bogel, situated about 5 mins away from home if you go by a rickshaw (that will cost you only 15 Rupees).

Mama and I felt so bad because both of us make quite a load and this old man had to muster what's left of his energy to push the pedals. When there was a slope, he had to get down and push the whole cycle-carriage up slope. We swore never to take this again!

So many things are sold here. Things you probably never even thought of!Trinkets, more clothes, costume jewellery, toys, kitchen utensils, Chappati-maker (the thin flat bread-like thing that is made of wheat flour), books, dried noodles on a cart, bangles of a spectrum of colours, more street-side delicacies, and even Achar (preserved fruits in spicy sauce that all Indians can't live without)!

Top to bottom (L-R): The busy busy over-crowded market. A variety of Achar, differently spiced. A psychedelic array of bangles in all sorts of colours! Fried Samosas - dough-crust stuffed with spiced potato filling. Fried Maggie noodles sold on a cart - noodles here are not particularly popular. Fresh vegetables - Sabzi - colours that caught my eye.

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