Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mumbai bomb blasts

This is the first time i've been in a country where bombs just blasted and killed several people. As much as I am safe and far from the chaos and lurking danger in Mumbai, it has dawned on me how fearful I should be right now and that such an incident of massive scale ought to leave my heart beating a little faster.

News article:

The bombs made of ammonium nitrate - an ingredient for fertilizer commonly used in improvised devices - went off within 15 minutes of each other in two crowded commercial areas of south Mumbai and a central residential district.

The official death toll stood at 17, he said, though a severed head had also been discovered which could mean the figure could rise. A total of 131 injured were admitted to hospital, of which 23 were in a serious condition.

Click here to read more.


miss honeybee said... careful dear!

Unknown said...

So scary, la!! Please be safe. I want to see you all in one piece with your bright smile when we reunite somewhere out there! :)